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Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. It can affect one joint or multiple joints. Inflammation is part of your body’s healing process. It normally occurs as a defence against viruses and bacteria or as a reaction to injuries such as a burn. But in people with this type of arthritis, inflammation often occurs for no obvious reason. This is referred to as an autoimmune condition and means that the immune system is attacking the body’s own joints. Instead of helping to repair the body, inflammation can cause damage to the affected joint and cause pain and stiffness. Inflammation may also affect the tendons and ligaments surrounding the joint.
There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, with different causes and treatment methods. Two of the most common types are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease of humans and it is also called degenerative joint disease. It commonly affects the knee joint. It is caused by damage to the joint's cartilage. Cartilage lines the inner parts of the joint and cushions the ends of bones during different movements. Damage to the cartilage causes bones to rub against each other, causing pain and loss of movement. Currently, it is estimated that over 250 million people worldwide suffer from this disease. Before 45 years of age, it is more common in men, while after 45 years of age it is more common in women.
In Ayurveda, Osteoarthritis has been described as ‘Sandhigatavata’ in which the vitiated Vata afflicts the joints and causes destruction of the cartilages and reduction in the Synovial Fluid inside the joint capsule, leading to swelling which results in painful movement.
Primary OA- It is a disease of old age; it is occasionally seen in alcoholic middle-aged men with high serum lipid and altered blood coagulability. It is due to wear and tear with repeated minor trauma, obesity, aging, genetic factors, and metabolic disorders.
Secondary OA- It May appear at any age and is the result of any previous wear and tear phenomena involving the joint, previous injury dislocation of the Hip, Trauma, Mal- alignments, Inadequate blood supply, Infections of the joint –e.g., pyogenic, tuberculosis, etc. Diseases interfering with the nerve supply of joint, Inflammatory Diseases, Nutritional bone disease- e.g., Rickets in infancy, Osteomalacia in adults.
Morning stiffness - More prominent on waking up from bed in the morning for 30 minutes. Tenderness is over the joint line or outside of it.
Mechanical symptoms - Such as buckling, catching, or locking could signify internal derangement, does not actively articulate until the knee is bent~ 35°.
Heaviness in the joint\ Limping - due to pain stiffness and deformity of the joint (Sandhi vedana)Inflammation in joint\ Swelling of the joint (pravruthi savedana) may also be noticed in superficial joint (Sandhi Shotha Joint).
Pain- Pain and tenderness during the movement of the joints, degeneration of the joint, due to shrinkage of capsule, fibrosis, muscle imbalance (Hanti sandhi Deformity in the joint)
OA treatment is focused upon symptom management. The type of treatment that will help you the most will largely be determined by the severity of your symptoms and their location.
Lifestyle changes -
weight loss & exercise provide the relief from pain, stiffness, and swelling.
• moderate exercise is beneficial with respect to pain and function, these exercises should occur at least three times per week.
• Pain Rx Heat can be used to relieve stiffness & cold can be relieve muscle spasms and pain.
• Anti-oxidants – Vit. A, B, C, D, E, K2 prevent the joint from oxidative damage antioxidants nourish all the tissues.
Modern Therapy -
• administration of anti-inflammatory drugs, and Intra articular injection analgesics for the pain relief.
• osteotomy (the operation through cutting of the bone)
• Anthrodesis (fusion of two joint) Exercise of the joint (cutting away/ taking out joint)
• Manipulation of the joint under anesthesia with Hydrocortisone injection
Drawbacks of modern therapy for osteoarthritis -
In modern medicies there are various kinds of anti-inflammatory and analgesic are available but these medicines are having their own side effects. Some of the common side effects are as follows:
• G.I.disturbances
• Peptic ulcer,
• Dizziness,
• Skin reshes
• Weakness and Fatigue,
• Sleepiness,
• Headache,
• Loss of appetite,
• Dry mouth,
• Metallic taste,
• Nausea and vomiting.
All these above reasons indicate that modern medicines are not suitable and safe for Osteoarthritis patients.
Ayurvedic treatment -
In Ayurveda, the treatment of sandhigatavata is aimed at reducing the vata dosha and to increase the shleshaka kapha so that the joint spaces are adequately lubricated for the free movement of joints “ Vighatana of Samprapati”.
• Rasayana –Muscles, ligaments and tendons are responsibal for the joint stability. So surrounding tissue of the joint must be strong to prevent or cure the Osteoartheitis. If they are weak, joint damage will occur soon even with the minimal load. Rasayana (natural herbs) nourishes bones and joints. It makes surrounding tissue strong. The drugs mentioned in the Ayurveda like Nirgundi, Eranda, Bala, etc.are having excellent vatahara property and they acts as rasayana, balya and kapha vardhaka and help to reduce the vata.
• Charaka - It refers to taila as ‘marutagana’ Taila is mentioed to reduce vata without increasing kapha. It also stabilized the mansa dhatu. Taila is used as drug of choice in anuvasana Basti. Due to its sneha property it balances the rooksha guna of vayu, due to its ushna guna takes care of the sheethala guna of vaya.
• Basti Chikitsa - It is considered the best management of vitiated vata .The panchkarma procedure of Basti has been hailed as ‘ardha chikitsa’ by acharyas that is, half of the whole treatment. Anuvasana Basti is a type of Basti in which Sneha dravya is given by Basti. Matra Basti is type of Basti. It is explained that this type of Basti can give to almost everybody, in all the seasons, without any strict regime of ahara and vihara and it is nishpariharya can be given with maximum ease and has no complication.
Neeraj Clinic is one of the most demanded Ayurveda treatment centers for seizure treatment and complex neurological disorders in India. At Neeraj Clinic epileptic patients come around from different parts of India to get Ayurveda Treatment. Till now we have cured more than 1.35 lacs epileptic patients. Neeraj Clinic is situated in Rishikesh, Haridwar. We have core Expertise with Ayurveda, Nature Therapy, and Allopathy for the treatment of seizures.