
Post-covid treatment for people with epilepsy: yoga and ayurveda have important roles

In this article you can get information about:
- Are covid vaccines safe for epileptic patients? (supported by recent studies)
- Does epilepsy increase your chances of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19?
- New studies on the possible relationship between covid and epilepsy.
- The precautions for epileptics are to be taken during the pandemic.
- Learning about COVID-19 through an Ayurvedic perspective.
- The importance of the role of ayurveda and yoga in the prevention of COVID-19 virus and in the treatment of epileptic covid patients, supported by a recent study.
- Protocol for COVID management afterwards with the help of Ayurveda.
We'll go over what we know so far regarding epilepsy and COVID-19, as well as the measures to take during the pandemic.

Who should get vaccinated against COVID-19?

Vaccination is currently not mandatory, it is up to the person to decide if they want to be vaccinated. we have previously written an article on whether covid is safe for people with epilepsy. individual risk differs from one epileptic person to the next. discuss your concerns about the vaccine with our best ayurvedic doctors in the neeraj epilepsy center.

Is it safe to take the COVID-19 vaccine?

The data so far suggests that vaccinations are extremely safe. Before approving each vaccination, the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization looked at the results of clinical studies. More than 30,000-40,000 people were vaccinated in the clinical studies. The vaccine's manufacturer must have tracked at least half of the trial participants for two months or longer after receiving both doses of vaccination. The vaccine must be proved safe and efficacious, to acquire Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) restricted use Authorization. The most recent research on epilepsy and the COVID vaccination shows no evidence suggesting that epileptic seizures may be linked to potential negative effects of COVID-19 vaccination. According to the data thus far released, the negative effects of getting vaccinated for people with epilepsy are the same as for everyone else: In a trial of 54 epilepsy patients in Germany, most of them reported no negative effects after receiving the vaccination. Approximately one-third of those who received vaccines experienced common adverse effects (headaches, tiredness and fever). Only one person had an increase in seizure frequency the day after getting the vaccine, and no one had status epilepticus. A study of 111 epileptics in Kuwait discovered that COVID-19 immunizations resulted in frequent side effects such as aching arms, headaches, and fevers. However, 94 percent of respondents said their seizures did not worsen after getting vaccinated, but one person reported developing status epilepticus in the days following their vaccination (AED). One scientific article from Malaysia raised concerns about potential interactions between vaccinations and anti-epilepsy drugs. A tiny number of cases where influenza vaccinations interacted with anti-epilepsy medicine were highlighted in the study (but there is no data available yet about COVID-19 vaccinations). Despite the authors' reservations about probable interactions between vaccinations and AEDs, they strongly advised vaccination.

I've got COVID-19 before and recovered. Is it still necessary for me to obtain the vaccine?

According to certain evidence, innate immunity following COVID-19 may not last very long. Persons who have already been infected with COVID should still get vaccinated.

What does the covid vaccine booster have to do with epilepsy?

The CDC has determined that for certain people, an additional dosage ("booster") of the COVID vaccine may be required to maintain immunity. There are no additional precautions or warnings for persons who suffer from epilepsy or seizures.

Is there a link between COVID-19 and seizure disorders?

Given indications that SARS-CoV-2 can infect neurons and astrocytes, the virus could cause seizures and epilepsy in non-epilepsy individuals, as well as worsening seizures in epilepsy patients. In early 2020, two studies in new york city looked into this. the electroencephalograms (eegs) of covid-19 hospitalized patients were studied.
• of the 111 patients who had their eegs monitored, 30% had epileptiform patterns, and 7% had seizures.
• 17.5 % of persons with epilepsy said their seizure control had deteriorated.
emotional stress and care barriers were revealed to be significant contributors.
• sars-cov-2 infection is probably certainly epileptogenic, and more study will almost certainly be done to find out.
note more research with epilepsy patients is needed to get a better view.

Can epilepsy increase the chance of getting infected with the covid virus?

A 2020 study looked at 1,537 people who have COVID-19. A total of 21 persons (1.3%) had been diagnosed with epilepsy and were taking medication to manage it or had had at least one seizure in the previous year. A study from the year 2022 trusted source polled 358 people, with 154 having epilepsy. covid-19 had been diagnosed in 11 percent of all respondents. in this group, epilepsy was not observed to be linked to an increased risk of developing COVID-19. In summary, current research indicates that epilepsy does not appear to increase a person's risk of getting COVID-19. While some study has found that patients with epilepsy had a greater COVID-19 incidence than the general population, other factors, such as additional underlying diseases, could also have a role.

What are the potential dangers of COVID-19 for those who have epilepsy?

Furthermore, according to the international league against epilepsy (ILAE), there is no indication of an elevated risk of sars-cov-2 infection in patients with epilepsy at this time. anti-seizure drugs do not raise the risk of infection or consequences, according to the study. the best strategy to avoid seizures caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection is to stay as far away from the virus as possible. people can help protect themselves and others by getting vaccinated, wearing a mask, observing physical distance, limiting their attendance in poorly ventilated areas, and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces on a regular basis, following proper coughing and sneezing protocol, keeping track of one's health on a daily basis according to the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc)trusted source.
People with epilepsy should avoid crowded places, keep their medical appointments, take their prescriptions exactly as prescribed, and make sure they have a sufficient supply of drugs.

Risk of contracting COVID-19 if you have epilepsy

There have been some investigations on a probable link between epilepsy and COVID-19, albeit the study on this subject is limited. COVID-19 was discovered to be more common among people with active epilepsy than in the general population, according to researchers. However, one of the study's major flaws is that only roughly 43% of patients with current epilepsy had COVID-19, which was validated by a COVID-19 test. A survey of 252 adults with epilepsy was conducted in 2022. the percentage of patients with verified covid-19 was higher than the overall population at the time, according to researchers. however, in this cohort, researchers were unable to identify specific risk factors for developing covid-19.

How to manage stress during the pandemic

Seizures worsening in patients with epilepsy and COVID-19 has been documented. However, it appears to be uncommon. Having COVID-19 isn't usually linked to increased seizures. However, pandemic stress can cause anxiety, despair, or worsening seizures in people with epilepsy. If your seizures worsen due to stress, see your ayurvedic doctor for advice and next steps. According to several studies, the COVID-19 pandemic can affect epilepsy patients' quality of life in a variety of ways. A survey of 151 adults with epilepsy was conducted in 2022. during the pandemic, some of the most prevalent issues documented were:
• a rise in stress
• feelings of anxiety or despair
• sleeping problems

without having covid-19, 35 people experienced increasing seizures during the pandemic.
the reason for this was generally due to increasing pandemic-related stressors, such as
• being retired or unemployed
• lack of sleep
• worries of catching the disease covid-19
• concerns about antiepileptic medicine shortages
• concerns about the possibility of seizures intensifying
because stress can cause seizures in some people with epilepsy, try to reduce it as much as possible:
• taking regular exercise
• trying yoga or meditation
• practicing a pastime, you enjoy
• cuddling up with a book
• listening to calming music
• securely visiting with family and friends are some options for stress reduction.
if you detect signs of increasing anxiety or sadness, don't hesitate to seek medical help from your doctor or another medical professional. they may suggest some mental health resources that can be beneficial.

COVID-19 from Ayurveda Perspective

The term Janapadodhwasa (epidemic diseases) has been used in Ayurvedic texts to denote epidemics/pandemics caused by polluted vyu (air), bhmi (land), jala (water), and kla (water) (vitiated seasons). These are thought to be the results of 'prajnapardha' (crime against wisdom) and 'adharma' (righteousness) (Unrighteousness). The concept of skshmakrmi/bhta is described in Ayurveda classics (organisms invisible to naked eye). To characterize diseases caused by them, the word bhtabianga (exogenous cause) has been employed. Infection spreads from infected to healthy people by direct touch, including breathed air. Gtrasasparsa (touch), niwsa (inhalation), sahabhojana (dining together), sahsana (sleeping together), and sahagandhamlynulepana have been defined as the modalities of propagation in janapadodhwasa.

Role of Ayurveda and Yoga-Based lifestyle in the COVID-19 Pandemic

The significance of Ayurveda and Yoga in preventing COVID-19 infection, reducing the severity of symptoms and infection in those who have been infected, and increasing pulmonary function, quality of life, and mental health in the post-COVID rehabilitative period. This will allow unique Ayurvedic and Yoga programs to be recommended for each stage of the illness. The recommendations are based on the effectiveness of yogic practices and ayurvedic medications as preventive and therapeutic strategies in conditions with similar clinical signs and symptoms. At Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic, we provide personalized treatments for covid and post-covid patients. Consult with our doctor, call us to get an appointment.

Yoga plays an important role during the epidemic.

Yoga is one of the home-based exercises that may play a role in:
lowering the severity of infections and inflammation when used in conjunction with other treatments
increasing immunity
improving respiratory function, increases lung function and capacity by strengthening the inspiratory and expiratory muscles, consistent practice of yogic breathing techniques (Pranayama)
boost mental health, decreases stress, anxiety, and depression by increasing Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) levels and decreasing cortisol (the stress hormone) and catecholamines levels

Supporting the facts with studies

Yoga's positive effects in COVID prevention and recovery have also been established with reasonable data. In an RCT conducted at morarji desai national institute of yoga, the daily practice of pranayama was found to be protective against covid infection in a cohort of healthcare providers. several case studies suggest that practicing Yoga, which includes asana, pranayama, and meditation, can help improve mental health. Note: Simple exposure to sunlight induces vitamin D synthesis, which boosts the body's immunity.

How can your defence mechanism protect against viral infections using ayurveda?

• Several therapies mentioned in ayurveda can increase the innate immune responses of respiratory epithelium, potentially preventing virus transmission to the lungs.
• Daily regimen measures such as Uha pna (drinking water retained in a copper vessel), gargling, nasal installation, and consuming hot food and water may help to preserve respiratory health. Antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-inflammatory effects have been discovered in copper impregnated water.
• Medicated hot water (Saaga pnya) can aid in digestion and balance the vata and kapha doshas, both of which play a role in the appearance of respiratory diseases such as rhinitis, cough, and dyspnea. Mouth rinsing with warm liquids and medicinal oil may aid in the excretion of hazardous heavy metals through saliva, and the activation of salivary enzymes, detoxifying the entire body.
Nasal application of medicinal oils and vegetable oils, such as sesame oil, may operate as a protective barrier, trapping viral particles and preventing direct virus contact and adherence to the nasal mucosa surface.

AYUSH-64 ayurvedic formulation: Evidence of effectiveness

The results of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) on the Ayurvedic medicine AYUSH-64 were recently revealed by the Ministry of Agriculture. They looked at how AYUSH medications affected cells, tissues, and animals. The clinical results of the AYUSH-64 research in the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 cases are very promising. There were also other positive impacts on general health, such as reduced fatigue, anxiety, and tension, as well as enhanced appetite, mood, and sleep. As a result, the length of time spent in the hospital is reduced.

Protocol for COVID management afterwards

After recovering from an acute COVID-19 infection, patients may continue to have a range of signs and symptoms, such as weariness, body aches, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, and so on. All post-COVID recovering patients require a holistic approach to follow-up care and well-being. Note: patients who had a more severe disease or who had a pre-existing sickness are more likely to take longer to recover. Individual COVID Follow-Up Protocol
• Maintain COVID-appropriate behavior (use of mask, hand & respiratory hygiene, physical distancing).
• Make sure to drink plenty of warm water (if not contra-indicated).
• Take an immunity-promoting AYUSH drug:
Immunomodulators include herbs including Tinospora Cordifolia, Embelia Officinale, Bacopa Monnieri, Curcuma Longa, Ocimum Tenuiflorum, Terminalia chebula, Withania somnifera, and Asparagus racemosus. The use of these herbs regularly strengthens the immune system and acts as an effective prophylactic in the treatment of SARS-COV-2 infection. Swarna bindu prashana (SBP) boosts immunity in children and newborns. The Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, has recommended ‘Ayush Kwath’ to improve immunity and combat the infection. Antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant capabilities are found in the ingredients of AYUSH Kwath. The active constituents of these drugs, such as eugenol, linoleic acid in holy basil, cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon, gingerols, shogaols in ginger, and piperine in pepper scan, have been found to exerting anti-atherosclerotic, anti-coagulative, and anti-platelet activity. • Moderate/light exercise: as much as your health allows or as prescribed, practice Yogasana, Pranayama, and Meditation every day.
• Breathing exercises, as directed by your doctor.
• Take a daily morning or evening stroll at a pace you can bear.
• A well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet, ideally freshly cooked soft foods that are simple to digest.
• Get enough sleep and rest.
• Quit smoking and abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages.
• Take your COVID meds on a regular basis, as well as any comorbidities you may have. To avoid prescription interactions, the doctor should always be informed about all medicines that the patient is taking (allopathic/AYUSH).
• At-home self-monitoring of temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar (particularly if diabetic), pulse oximetry, and other vital signs (if medically advised)
• Use saline gargles and steam inhalation if you have a chronic dry cough or sore throat. Gargling/steam inhalation with the addition of herbs/spices. Cough drugs should only be used under the supervision of a medical doctor or an Ayush practitioner.
• Look for early warning signs such as high-grade fever, shortness of breath, unexplained chest pain, new start of disorientation, and focused weakness.


COVID-19 vaccinations are efficient in avoiding COVID-19 and the complications that come with it. If you get vaccinated and still get COVID-19, your disease will most likely be milder. However, with the introduction of mutant strains, the situation is fast changing. This time, the virus appears to have returned with a more powerful attack, resulting in a considerably greater cloud of fear, panic, and anxiety. The value of AYUSH in COVID prevention, treatment, and post-therapy management cannot be overstated. Yoga treatment focuses on the manipulation of host characteristics such as lifestyle regulation and moderation. Host immunity is lowered as a result of changes in lifestyle, such as the consumption of unhealthy foods, lack of physical activity, an irregular sleep-wake cycle, increased workload, stress, and addictions. As a result, the immune system becomes more vulnerable, making the host more susceptible to the virus's virulence. Ayurveda and Yoga treatments strive to improve host immunity and limit the extent of infection and inflammation in the body. In the current crisis, the AYUSH industry has significant resources as a first-line defense. Simple and safe AYUSH remedies can help prevent and minimize infection severity and development, reducing the need for hospitalization.
Seek care when necessary. If you have epilepsy and contract COVID-19, you should notify your doctor. Every person with epilepsy is unique and has unique needs. In Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic, our ayurvedic doctor will advise you on the best course of action to take during your rehabilitation. COVID-19 infection is usually mild to moderate in the general population, and most persons can recover at home. As previously stated, available data suggests that this may also be the case in many epilepsy patients. While recuperating from COVID-19, get plenty of rest, remain hydrated, and treat symptoms like fever and discomfort with over-the-counter drugs. If your doctor tells you to, don't stop taking your antiepileptic meds. Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic in Rishikesh has the best ayurvedic doctors specialised in epilepsy treatment. We provide unique, well planned, safe, individualized Ayurvedic treatments. We believe that we can help patients achieve a better quality of life. Epilepsy is significantly curable with ayurvedic medicine. Ask for an appointment for a consultation so you can get to know the best ayurvedic doctors, and we can start a treatment for you.

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